
  • Instructor Chua (SKMA USA - Head Instructor, 2nd Dan)

    Instructor Chua possesses over 28 years of training and teaching martial arts experience.

    His Korean martial art journey commenced with Master D Sung in the United Kingdom, 2010. Master D Sung generously shared his immense depth of knowledge, experiences and philosophy with Instructor Chua. As their relationship and bond grew, Instructor Chua would regularly travel with Master D Sung across Europe to teach workshops in the efforts to share and spread the art of Hapkido.

    Coming from a family of 3 generations of medicine and health practitioners, his great grandfather was a Chinese Doctor who operated a Chinese medicine clinic in historical Melaka, Malaysia. Instructor Chua in the same spirit has continued the links to Chinese medicine(BSc Chinese Medicine. Kingston University, UK) and Psychology (MSc Psychology. University East London, UK). Instructor Chua’s final Chinese medicine tertiary year study comprised of extensive research thesis on ‘Exploring the Use of Acupuncture Points in Martial Arts for Self Defense and Healing’. This research and understanding of the role of acupuncture points for self defense and healing is often reflected in his teaching. Additionally, he has Chinese medicine skills in acupuncture, Tuina massage, moxibustion, guasha and cupping.

    The ethos of Instructor Chua's teaching is that everyone has potential to drive forward, and martial arts is his passion and way of empowering people to flourish.

  • Master D Sung (Founder - 7th Dan)

    The Chief Instructor and Director of SKMA, Master Sung has trained Korean martial arts, Hapkido for over 30 years. He served Korean Special Forces as a military intelligence officer in Korea. Master Sung has promoted Hapkido and self defense programs throughout the UK and Europe since 1998. He established the School of Korean Martial Arts (SKMA) in London, UK in 2007 and has run seminars for police and military units in the UK and many European countries. Master Sung has traveled and taught Hapkido in Poland, Germany, Czech Republic and Croatia. Master Sung introduced and shared not only Hapkido but also Yongmudo and Whitagu to the UK and Europe to promote the sports side of Martial Arts.

    - Chief Instructor / Director of SKMA

    - President of British Yongmudo Association

    - UK representative of World Kummooyeh Federation (Korean Sword and Archery)